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Cervical cancer vaccination cover only available from Hibernian Aviva Health

Cover for cervical cancer vaccination now available from Hibernian Aviva Health.

Every 18 minutes a woman in Europe dies from cervical cancer¹ while annually 73 Irish women die from the disease. Cervical cancer can affect women of all ages but governments around the world have seen the benefits of offering this vaccine in particular to young women. For example in Australia free vaccinations are available to all girls between 12 and 26 years of age.

Finding the right words

As a parent you might not be really keen to immunise your daughter so young or to speak to her about sexual health matters. However this vaccine is recommenced to young girls of age 12 years and upwards because its best administered before they become sexually active to be most effective in safeguarding against cervical cancer. The vaccine offers a 99% success rate against the two types of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which are responsible for 70% of cases of cervical cancer.

It’s all about prevention and taking control!

Point Of Care Health Services provides Cervical Cancer Vaccinations to Hibernian Aviva Health members at a discounted rate. The cost of a course of treatment is €490 with members of Hibernian Aviva Health receiving a €150 rebate once the course has been completed. To make the vaccination more readily assessable there is also an easy payment option of €49.50 per month for a period of 10 months.

Members of Hibernian Aviva Health and members of the public can make an appointment for a course of treatment at any of the Point Of Care centres nationwide by calling 01 499 2674.

The vaccine is given in 3 doses at 0, 1 and 6 month intervals. At the first appointment the two follow up appointments will be booked. Hibernian Aviva Health members can pay up front or in installments.

To book a cervical cancer vaccine:

There are no waiting periods so you can book in as soon as you join. Call 01 499 2674  to make an appointment at any of the Point of Care centres nationwide.

The vaccination is available at 6 Point of Care centres in Dublin as well as in Cork, Kildare, Waterford and Galway

Over to you!

More Information

Cervical cancer – The facts
Going for a Cervical Cancer Vaccination
Going for a smear test

If you have any concerns about cervical screening and/or cervical cancer call the National Cancer Helpline Freefone 1800 200 700 (open Monday – Thursday 9am – 7pm and Fridays 9am – 5pm).

¹Cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide. IARC CancerBase no.5 version 2.0


This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or for the care that you receive from your doctor or other health professionals. If you are concerned about your health you should consult your doctor.

Health screening

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