1890 714 444 | (021) 4802040

Tailored Plans

Hibernian Aviva Health is the first Irish company to offer you health insurance plans tailored to your own specific needs. We worked with Irish consumers and medical professionals to identify the different needs that we are all likely to experience.

We are committed to developing tailored plans based on profession, geography and stage of life. The nurses’ & teachers’ plans are the first of these specifically designed plans that Hibernian Aviva Health is bringing to market and they are the first plans customised by profession to be available in Ireland.

Although each of our plans is aimed at a particular life stage or profession, they are all open to anyone at any stage in their life.

All of our plans offer you a choice of hospital cover, day-to-day cover, (which is for everyday health expenses such as visits to a GP or Physiotherapist), or both of these together. Again, the choice is yours.

Our brochures are available in PDF format via the links on this page. For a hardcopy of any of these brochures, further advice, or to purchase a plan, please call us on:

1850 717 717