Going to...
Going for a Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Hibernian Aviva Health is delighted to be the first health insurer to provide cover for cervical cancer vaccination. This pioneering benefit is aimed at helping our members to take even greater control of their health. Whether it's you or a loved one, you'll be delighted to know that this benefit isn't about the now; it's all about the future. We bet you've a lot of questions already so read on to find out more

Going for a Smear Test

Regular smear tests (also called pap tests) are the main way of detecting infection with the HPV virus. The tests help to prevent cervical cancer by detecting abnormal cells in the cervix before they can become cancerous.

The Health Screen Centre

An annual health screen is a really good way of checking up on your health, revising your lifestyle habits and generally staying in control of your health.

Why not do our quick online health check first for a review of your health before you go for the real thing?

The Physiotherapist
Who are they and what do they do?
Chartered Physiotherapists have an extensive scientific background of human anatomy and physiology. So not alone can they help you sort that dodgy back, they can also:

  • Diagnose and treat all sorts of conditions and illnesses
  • Help prevent injury in the workplace or on the sports field
  • Encourage healthier lifestyles
The Dietitian
Who are they and what do they do
Dietitians are specialist practitioners who have a vast knowledge of food and nutrition, as you would expect, as well as other related areas such as biochemistry, physiology and social science. They use this expertise to encourage healthy eating, prevent disease and to help in the management of illness.
Your Consultant
Who are they and what do they do
Consultants are doctors who are specially trained in a very specific area of health. So when you need specialist advice and treatment, you will be referred by your General practitioner (GP) to a consultant. Following your consultation, you may then require out patient or in patient (hospital) treatment, depending on what your condition calls for
Your Doctor
Your doctor is one of the best friends you'll ever have when it comes to making sure that you stay very firmly in control of your health. The better the relationship you enjoy with your doctor, the more likely you are to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly how you stand from a health perspective.
Sooner or later, most of us need to go to hospital, so here is some practical information about how to prepare, what to expect during your stay and how to get ready for going home.
The CT Scan Centre
While a conventional X-ray is used to view bones in the body, CT scanning is the route to go when your medical team are trying to differentiate between normal and abnormal structures. It is used mainly to provide information for procedures such as biopsies, or to form an opinion on the treatment of suspected cancers.
The MRI Scan Centre
You've probably seen one on TV the odd time, but if you haven't, an MRI scanner is a giant tube surrounded by a circular magnet. The patient is placed on a moveable bed, which is then rolled into the tube.
The PET Scan Centre
During a PET scan, you will be injected with radioactive substances which have a very short lifespan, so cause little or no damage to your body. The PET scanner is made up of complex electronic equipment which records gamma rays and, from these, provides an image of the area where the radioactive substances are located.